Rockhawk’s Blog
Sam’s Guide To Club Penguin


Avery and Lowry are really sguiggling awesome and nice and if your’e reading this Avery and or Lowry Ilove the evil kneivel stuff! thanks!

my member ship expired and i might renew it but for now i’m probably not going to post that much… kind of a short post but uuh yeah.


Lots of stuff to catch up to! well from july third to fifth there’s a new secret ninja hideout,

There are fireworks on clubpenguin! and there’s new music in dj3k! Ok well maybe thats not a lot of stuff but…. I haven’t  posted for long time!


What a squakling long time!! sorry peoples! I’ve got a lot to catch up one so let’s get started! Rockhopper arrived with a bunch of plants n’ stuff, clubpenguin launched something called 101 days of fun I should check that out!, plants are growing on clubpenguin!!, there are new toys, new safari hat pin in the coffee shop upstairs thingy, I went to camp it’s summer!!!!!!!! and thats pretty much it yeahstas!!


I am sorry haven’t posted in a while! well there are some new cheats

Glowing ghost costume: to get yo costume glowing! get the flashlight and ghost costume on and dance!

also the medieval party is here if you go to the town and click on the sign in the lower  left corner and take the quest!! I will not spoil it for you….


Hey there’s a new wig on clubpenguin coming soon…. well ya there has not been moche cp news lately eh?


Hey people of clubpenguin!!! the sled is finally here for the racing it costs $300 Oh and the sled is on the mountain if you click the paper thingy Ok there is also a new pin its in the dojo courtyard on the right click the little tree and you will get a tree pin!!!


Finally the moment we have all been waiting for (probably) drumroll please….

AGENTS AND TOUR GUIDES WILL GET PAYED COINS!!!!! yay!! its finally here I dont really know how much but i just know they are here is a pic:

picture-23Oh and also rockhopper (the person that owns his penguin) will be at walt disney world in florida I wish I was there.But he’ll be signing autographs looks funsterbuns!


hey guys rocketsnail (rsnail) started a new blog again!!! here’s a link to the new site it will tell you a lot about all the history of clubpenguin there are only three post on it but it started today so i am guessing there will be a lot!


Hey guys zotty34 (a good friend of mine) is having a party@ i will update this post soon but i think it could be on saturday… maybe, maybe not i dunno! hmmm…i will ask him in person soon…. well be sure to come to it! also he has a blog heres a link


Hey people i am posting some good groups and bad ones here are the good ones:


sneaky L’s club


and here are the bad ones:
